One pilot from my squadron who went back to be with his wife and child was imprisoned on trumped-up charges and then executed. 我们中队有位飞行员回波兰与妻小团聚后,以莫须有的罪名锒铛入狱,后被处死。
Others felt to be involved in the conspiracy were arrested on trumped-up charges. 其他被认为与这个阴谋有牵连的人以捏造的罪名遭到逮捕。
He then made his challenger, the secular Ayman nour, pay with trumped-up charges of fraud and four years in jail. 然后,就用莫须有的欺诈罪名和4年牢狱之苦,让自己的挑战者俗界的艾曼努尔(aymannour)付出了代价。
He was hauled into a military court on trumped-up charges of selling secrets. 他被以出卖机密这个捏造的指控押上了军事法庭。